Thursday, November 25, 2010

Airport Boredom

This is how they dry clothes in Australia. Luckily I got them down before it started raining.

I'm sitting in Melbourne airport waiting for my flight to L.A. to take off. I am quite excited, as well as disappointed that I am missing my favorite binge eating holiday, Thanksgiving. Twenty more hours until I'm back in Chicago!!!!
Last night was my final goodbye to Melbourne. I went out with a few local Australians and another international student from the UK. We had a lovely dinner and proceeded to go to the Crown Casino. It's a big deal in Melbourne.  I have never been much of a gambler, but I decided to hit up the black jack tables. I played for about an hour and made back all of the money I put down, plus $15 more on the $5 tables. Not bad for my first time. Don't worry, I will never get behaviorally or impulsively addicted to gambling. It was a great last night with some good friends.
As you may know, I was recently in Queenstown, New Zealand. Those six days were probably the best of my exchange experience. Queenstown is beautiful with the sea, mountains, friendly people, and cute small town. I went with two friends I met from DePaul, Amanda and Allison. We went horse back riding through rivers and streams with a beautiful view of the mountains and plains. The following day we went sky diving. I jumped out of an airplane at 15,000 feet and it was amazing. It was actually quite relaxing, rather than exhilarating. There was no stomach dropping or adrenaline rush. I would definitely do it again, though. Perhaps Skydive Chicago? Maybe becoming a skydive instructor is in the future for me. In Queenstown, we also went on a canyoning trip. This adventure was by far the hardest, most strenuous, awesome thing I have ever done. It involved hiking, abseiling, and climbing through canyons and white water rapids. It was intense, and I have the bruises to prove it. We ended our trip with a gondola ride to the top of the mountain and took a luge ride. It was beautiful. I wish I could have spent some more time in NZ. Oh, and the food is much better in NZ than Australia (sorry Australians).
This experience has been amazing, but I am happy to go home. I can't wait to see my friends and family and continue with the rest of my life. This will be something I never forget, and hopefully the start of a lifetme of traveling.
See you soon!

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Races, Sydney, and my last days in Melbourne

Sorry it's been so long!

I'll start of with the eventful day of the Melbourne Oaks Day Horse Race. It's a big deal here, much like the Kentucky Derby. We went on ladies day, that's right, lots of fashion and cheap drinks for the ladies.  Women were required to wear hair pieces or hats with nice dresses and most men wore suits. It was quite the experience. We started our day in the late morning with Bloody Mary's and goon, then proceeded to take the train to Flemington Racecourse. The weather was beautiful that day and the sun was shining. Most people go to the races to place bets and socialize, I only socialized. I'm not a very lucky person so I'm not going to waste money on betting. It was a lot of fun though. I saw some beautiful hair pieces and hats as well as very expensive fashion and proper old ladies that looked like the Queen of England. We ended the day with the Crown casino where we drank and socialized some more, while others wasted money on the blackjack tables. Good times.

The day after the races, a group of us flew to Sydney in celebration of my friend/future roommate Miguel's 21st birthday. Sydney is a beautiful city. It ranks with Chicago, San Fransisco, and NYC. I feel like the city had a little of all three integrated. We spent our four days walking around the city, the Opera house, and the Sydney Harbor Bridge. We also made a trip to Manley Beach and Bondi beach. They skyline was amazing, especially at night. I wish the weather could have been a little better. It rained a lot. One day, we visited a market that had some cheap souvenirs and such. My friends Sonika, Mary and I decided to purchase some crazy wigs and go out in them that night. It was a success. We hit up a gay bar and flaunted our neon colors. People probably thought we were transvestites, but a lot of cute gay boys complimented me on my style! The trip was a lot of fun and it made me wish I was studying in Sydney rather than Melbourne.

So exams are officially done as of yesterday. Now I am busy with packing for New Zealand and home. I have to say I am ready to come home, or at least get out of Melbourne. Maybe it would be different if I lived in the city, but I live 45min away from it in the sticks called Clayton. It feels like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders with school being over, though. I am excited to start again at DePaul and live with my new roommates Devin and Miguel. They time here has gone by so fast. I still feel like I just got here and now I have to go. I wish I could travel some more, but it is time for reality to start. I will definitely miss this place, especially the people I have met and the experiences I've had. I will not miss the food, except Bountys and Tim Tams, or the high prices. It is a shame I have to leave now when the weather is getting so nice. I'm going home to cold weather and snow and I did not get much of a summer vacation. You win some you lose some.
I have to be out of the dorms by 10am tomorrow, and I have yet to start packing. I am not going to miss living in my dorm (New Deakin room 293). I am very over using public bathrooms and kitchens. as well as dirty laundry rooms and uncomfortable cots they claim are twin size beds. Will I miss the smells, the door slams, and the echos of people running above my head, even though I'm on the top floor? Probably not.
One thing I am not looking forward too is coming home to real life. I am suppose* to graduate in June, and I am able too, but I have been thinking of picking up another major and staying a few more quarters. This is either me wanting more educational experience or procrastinating on starting a real life, I haven't decided yet. I can honestly say I have never been more scared for anything in my life, and it is just my future.
My study abroad experience has been the best thing to every happen to me. I've grown a lot as a person and I have met some wonderful people and have done some amazing things. I would not take this experience back for anything. It has just made me want to travel more. Next stop, Europe, and hopefully Asia, South America, Africa, and perhaps ever Antarctica. I want to go everywhere and anywhere. I am an experienced hostel tenant now, and while I am still young, I see no pointing on spending lots of money for a hotel when you could spend $20 a night in a hostel, and meet some fellow travelers. I wish they were more common in America.
Well I must go and continue to pack. I have one more day here, then I am spending a week in Queenstown, New Zealand. I am flying into Christchurch with my friends Amanda and Allison, and we will be making a six hour drive down to the bottom of the South Island. Hopefully we wont get too lost. The things we plan on doing are sky diving, horse back riding, white water rafting, rock climbing, and lots of hiking. We'll see what happens. Just 10 more days until I'm home!! Don't miss me too much.

Halloween, I was Slash.

P.S. (This is for you mom) Sorry for any typos or sentences that do not make sense, I wrote the quickly and I lack the time to check it over, because I am running behind on packing. Thanks!