Thursday, November 25, 2010

Airport Boredom

This is how they dry clothes in Australia. Luckily I got them down before it started raining.

I'm sitting in Melbourne airport waiting for my flight to L.A. to take off. I am quite excited, as well as disappointed that I am missing my favorite binge eating holiday, Thanksgiving. Twenty more hours until I'm back in Chicago!!!!
Last night was my final goodbye to Melbourne. I went out with a few local Australians and another international student from the UK. We had a lovely dinner and proceeded to go to the Crown Casino. It's a big deal in Melbourne.  I have never been much of a gambler, but I decided to hit up the black jack tables. I played for about an hour and made back all of the money I put down, plus $15 more on the $5 tables. Not bad for my first time. Don't worry, I will never get behaviorally or impulsively addicted to gambling. It was a great last night with some good friends.
As you may know, I was recently in Queenstown, New Zealand. Those six days were probably the best of my exchange experience. Queenstown is beautiful with the sea, mountains, friendly people, and cute small town. I went with two friends I met from DePaul, Amanda and Allison. We went horse back riding through rivers and streams with a beautiful view of the mountains and plains. The following day we went sky diving. I jumped out of an airplane at 15,000 feet and it was amazing. It was actually quite relaxing, rather than exhilarating. There was no stomach dropping or adrenaline rush. I would definitely do it again, though. Perhaps Skydive Chicago? Maybe becoming a skydive instructor is in the future for me. In Queenstown, we also went on a canyoning trip. This adventure was by far the hardest, most strenuous, awesome thing I have ever done. It involved hiking, abseiling, and climbing through canyons and white water rapids. It was intense, and I have the bruises to prove it. We ended our trip with a gondola ride to the top of the mountain and took a luge ride. It was beautiful. I wish I could have spent some more time in NZ. Oh, and the food is much better in NZ than Australia (sorry Australians).
This experience has been amazing, but I am happy to go home. I can't wait to see my friends and family and continue with the rest of my life. This will be something I never forget, and hopefully the start of a lifetme of traveling.
See you soon!

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